Thursday, January 6, 2011

our trip to the desert - part 1

mike and i took advantage of me having new years day off and headed out to the desert towards a place called sealine where there is a beach and lots of sand dunes.
along the way, we saw a field of camels. we pulled over to take pictures and one even came close to the car!

after a while, we started to see the dunes. along the side of the road, there were lots of places that rented four wheelers and private camps where locals like to go on the weekends with their land cruisers.

we drove until the road ended and then some on the packed sand and arrived at the beach, with the sand dunes on the other side.
notice my "appropriate" beach attire
see that dune over my shoulder? well mike is crazy and decided we should climb it...
i complained on the way up, but the view from the top was worth it!
i made it!

the coast looking towards doha
view into the desert
(unfortunately this is where my pictures from the desert end as we started using the other camera which has since gone back to canada) we stayed up there for a while watching the four wheelers and land cruisers drive over the dunes. a qatari offered us a ride in his land cruiser and took us for a wild one! he laughed at mike when he put on his seatbelt, but as we raced over the dunes we were definitely glad we had them.

later we went for a short camel ride which was bumpy, but fun! mike took the car off the packed sand road to park for the camels and on our way out we got stuck - rookie mistake! luckily some qataris racing by on their four wheeler stopped to help push us out and we were on our way!

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