Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Qatar Exxon Mobil Open

at the entrance
Last week, I went to the Qatar ExxonMobil Open with Rudy and TP. We had VIP passes to the event because Groop 8 (really Rudy) did all the design work for the event.
with Federer

excited as we made our way to the VIP Village
We had access to the outdoor VIP Lounge area where we hung out near the "bar" sipping on fruity drinks and sampling some Nando's chicken.

We tried going into the tent, but got denied because we didn't have the special wristband that the people who bought VIP tickets had. I tried another door and the doorman told me I only had access to the Players Tent (!!!) which was on the other side. I grabbed the guys and we went in. Unfortunately there weren't any players there at the time, but we did enjoy the buffet put on by the Ritz. I think I forgot to take pics - I was distracted by all the yummy food!

Once we were thoroughly stuffed, we headed into the stadium in time to catch the doubles finals. Nadal is ranked #1 in the world and he was playing with his bff representing Spain against the Italians. We weren't quite sure where we going to be allowed to sit, but were definitely happy when we ended up here:
Front row box seats!!! We had a great view of Nadal... and the other guys too!

AND as if this wasn't enough excitement for one night, I caught the game winning ball!!! You can imagine how upset I was when I was forced to give it back :( Still a fun night though!

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